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dr Szymon Czarnik

Position: assistant professor at the Institute of Sociology

Academic interests: methodology of social science, statistical data analysis, game theory, sex segregation in the labor market

Courses taught: Research Methods in Social Science, Methodology – Quantitative Methods, Statistics, Survey Research and Data Analysis, Game Theory for Humanists

International experiences: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Research projects: Study of Human Capital in Poland (2008-2015) (2017-ongoing), a complex labor market monitoring project in partnership between Jagiellonian University and Polish Agency for Enterprise Development; Justice, Equality, Democracy. Experimental Study of Income Redistribution, Ph.D. research grant from Polish Ministry of Science (2005–2006).

Main publications:

Czarnik, S., 2020 (forthcoming). How Much Truth Is in Stereotypes?, “Philosophical Problems in Science”. 

Czarnik, S., 2016. Reading Minds of Experimental Subjects. Insights from Pre- and Post-Experimental Surveys in a Redistribution Game Experiment, “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica” VIII, pp. 143–165.

Czarnik, S., Kasparek, K., Magierowski, M., 2015. Sytuacja kobiet i mężczyzn na rynku pracy w kontekście sytuacji rodzinnej. In: Jarosław Górniak (ed.), Polski rynek pracy – wyzwania i kierunki działań: na podstawie badań Bilans Kapitału Ludzkiego 2010-2015. Warszawa; Kraków: Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, pp. 27–40.

Czarnik, S., 2009. Proportionality and Two Kinds of Fairness. In J. Bacher, J. Górniak, & M. Niezgoda (eds.), Selected Research Papers in Education, Labour Market and Criminology. Linz, Krakow, Skopje and Nuremberg: Trauner Verlag, pp. 103–109.

Czarnik, S., 2007. Gry eksperymentalne i manowce racjonalistycznego egoizmu. Decyzje, (8), pp. 27–52.

prof. Joachim Diec

Professor in the Institute of Russian and East European Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Research interests: Russian political thought, world civilizations, Russia's foreign policy and the paradigms of world order. Main publications: "Cywilizacje bez okien" (Civilizations Without Windows), Krakow 2002, "Konserwatywny nacjonalizm" (Conservative Nationalism), Krakow 2013.

Teaches: World Civilizations, International Relations of Russia and CIS, Economic Development of Russia and the CIS

dr Dominika Dziwisz

Position: Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies

Research interests: cybersecurity policy, international security, US security policy, critical infrastructure protection, Big Data analysis, theories of war and peace

Fellowships, grants and appointments:
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Tallinn, Estonia, November 2016.

Cyber Security: A Matter of National Security or Law Enforcement? Government Responsibility vs. Corporate Governance Liability, 1st Roundtable on Cyber Security - 2015 Series, Prague Security Studies Institute, Prague, June 2015.

Cyber Security: Risk Mitigation - A Cost of Protection and Insurance, 2nd Roundtable on Cyber Security - 2015 Series, Prague Security Studies Institute, Prague, September 2015.

Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection, 3rd Roundtable on Cyber Security - 2015 Series, Prague Security Studies Institute, Prague October 2015.

The Advanced Research Workshop, Strengthening Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure, NATO for Science for Peace and Security Program, Kiev, November 2014.

National Science Center granting (2011-2014), project: Międzynarodowe bezpieczeństwo cybernetyczne. Rola Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki w konfrontacji technologicznej

Scholarship in the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM), School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, October 2014.

Courses taught: International Security: Application and Analysis, International Security Strategies, Computer Crisis Management, Security in Cyberspace, Theories of War and Peace

Current research projects: the future of the Internet - the traps of forecasting Internet of Things and Augmented Reality in a military context; Big Data and human rights. 

Selected publications


D. Dziwisz, Stany Zjednoczone a międzynarodowe bezpieczeństwo cybernetyczne, Wyd. Sowa, Kraków 2015.

Nowe wyzwania dla ochrony praw człowieka A. Czubik, D. Dziwisz, E. Szczepankiewicz-Rudzka, M. Tarnawski (ed.), Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2017.

Selected articles:

Algorithmic future: escape from freedom to the "default option", [in:] Człowiek a technologia cyfrowa, P. Szymczyk, K.Maciąg (ed.), Wydawnictwo Naukowe Tygiel, Lublin 2018, pp. 56-67.

Polityka cyberbezpieczeństwa Baracka Obamy – próba oceny, [in:] Globalne i lokalne problemy polityki bezpieczeństwa, M. Górka (ed.), Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2017, pp. 237-259.

Cyberszpiegostwo - chiński atak, amerykańska obrona, [in:] M. Górka (ed.) Wywiad i kontrwywiad w polityce międzynarodowej na przełomie XX i XXi wieku, Difin, Warszawa 2016, pp. 101-117. 

The methodology of governing collaboration forums for critical infrastructure protection, [in:] J. Świątkowska (ed.), Critical infrastructure security - the ICT Dimension, Kosciuszko Institute, Kraków 2014, pp. 51-57.

Tallinn Manual – próba interpretacji prawa międzynarodowego dla cyberprzestrzeni, [in:] R. Kłosowicz, B. Szlachta, J. J. Węc (ed.), Dylematy strategiczne XXI w. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Michałowi Chorośnickiemu z okazji 40-lecia pracy naukowej, Księgarnia Akademicka Kraków 2013, pp. 65-74. 

Cyberbezpieczeństwo infrastruktury krytycznej - priorytet strategii obrony USA, [in:] A. Podraza, P. Potakowski, K. Wiak (ed.), Cyberterroryzm zagrożeniem XXI wieku: perspektywa prawna i politologiczna, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Lublin 2013, pp. 85-98. 

Cyberwojna – budowa strategii defensywy cybernetycznej USA, [in:] M. Chorośnicki i inni (ed.), Nowe strategie na nowy wiek. Granice i możliwości integracji regionalnych i globalnych, Kraków 2013, pp. 513-524.

Pierwszy rok prezydentury Baracka Obamy – ocena realizacji obietnic przedwyborczych w zakresie cyberbezpieczeństwa, [in:] D. Czajkowska- Ziobrowska, M. Gwoździcka-Piotrowska (ed.), Współczesne nurty badawcze młodych naukowców, Poznań 2010, pp. 424-440. 

Position: assistant professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora

Academic interests: history of international relations, U.S. political and economic history, U.S. foreign policy, development studies

Courses taught: Economic development of the United States, Canada and Latin America

International experiences:

Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen

Universitat de Barcelona

Main publications:

„Widmo rewolucji. Polityka USA wobec Ameryki Południowej 1961-1968,"/ "The Specter of Revolution. U.S. Policy toward South America 1961-1968", Kraków 2011.

"U.S. Role in Chilean Politics (1961-1964)," in U.S. Foreign Policy. Theory, Mechanisms and Practice, ed. by Andrzej Mania, Paweł Laidler, Łukasz Wordliczek, 283-289 (Kraków 2007).

„Między antykomunizmem a demokracją. Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki wobec sytuacji politycznej wArgentynie 1961-1963"/ Between Anti-communism and Democracy: the USA and the Argentine Politics 1961-1963, in Doświadczenie demokracji w Ameryce Łacińskiej, 215-226, ed. Marta Kania, Anna Kaganiec-Kamieńska (Kraków 2008).

„Doktryna Manna. Wokół założeń polityki Stanów Zjednoczonych wobec Ameryki Łacińskiej w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku"/The Mann Doctrine: on U.S. Policy towards Latin America in the 1960s, in Amerykomania. Księga jubileuszowa Prof. dra hab. AndrzejaMani, ed. Włodzimierz Bernacki and Adam Walaszek, 85-97 (Kraków 2009). "U.S. Diplomacy and the Brazilian Coup d'état of 1964," Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies" 12 (2011): 53-61.

"The United States and the fall of the Trujillo Regime." Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies;14 (2013): 7-18.

"Paradoxes of a modernization theory in the U.S. policy: petrifying authoritarianism and building client states in the third world during the cold war" in: Evolving dependency relations: Old and New Approaches, Poznań 2014.

prof. Paweł Frankowski

Position: PhD with habilitation in Political Science, Associate Professor at the Institute of Political Science and IR

Courses taught: Theories of International Relations, An Analysis of Contemporary International Politics, International Security

Research interests: Regional security in East Africa, space policy, labour standards and social conditionality in free trade agreements, history of European integration, paradiplomacy of sub-national actors, contemporary American foreign policy, federal studies

Current research projects: Role of labour standards in EU free trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements Modes of governance for trans-border security in Canada and the United States Origins of European space policy


University of St. Gallen / Conférence des Recteurs des Universités Suisses – SCIEX Fellow (2011-2012 – postdoc)

Háskóli Íslands / University of Iceland, postdoc, Alþjóðamálastofnun / Institute of International Affairs (2010-2011 – postdoc)

Natolin European Centre/European University Institute in Florence (June-August 2010 – visiting fellow),

US State of Department/ Fulbright Fellowship (SUSI Program on US Foreign Policy, June-July 2008 – visiting fellow)

Selected publications:

  • Patrolling Power Europe: The Role of Satellite Observation in EU Border [in:] Management EU Borders and Shifting Internal Security Technology, Externalization and Accountability, ed. R Bossong, H. Carrapico, Springer 2016, pp. 65-80.
  • External Policies of American states in shaping U.S. foreign policy [Polityki zewnętrzne stanów amerykańskich w procesie kształtowania polityki zagranicznej Stanów Zjednoczonych], Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2014, pp. 453
  • Economic Partnership Agreementes as an instrument of regional integration promotion in Sub-Saharan Africa, "Natolin Papers", nr 44, Warsaw 2011, pp. 172
  • European Union – Sub-Saharan Africa. Determinants – mechanisms – effectiveness of cooperation [Unia Europejska – Afryka Subsaharyjska. Uwarunkowania – mechanizmy – efektywność współpracy], Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2011, pp. 262 (co-author Irma Słomczyńska)
  • American Hegemony in Turbulence Conditions [Hegemonia Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki w warunkach turbulencji], Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2006, pp. 214
  • Grafted or Crafted: Federal Endeavors in East Africa and East Asia, „Asian Ethnicity" 2014, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 222-236 doi:10.1080/14631369.2014.880590
  • Regional comparative studiem as an approach for analysis of international relations [Regionalne studia porównawcze jako podejście analityczne w badaniu stosunków międzynarodowych], „Polski Przegląd Stosunków Międzynarodowych" nr 2 2012, pp. 134-150
  • American Politics 2012: A Far Cry from Middle Ground, "Polish Quarterly of International Affairs" nr 3 2012, pp. 27-43
  • Future of the U.PP. Strategy towards the New Europe Countries, [w:] Quo vadis America? Conceptualizing Change in American Democracy, Bohdan Szklarski (ed.), Frankfurt am Main 2011, pp. 227-235
  • One World and Many Orders? [in:] Order and Disorder in the International System, ed. Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel, Ashgate, Aldershot 2010, pp. 97-115
  • Efficiency before Effectiveness: Mills of Justice and Home Affairs [w:] European Union – present and future, W. Gizicki, (ed.), Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2009, pp. 95-107.
  • New and Old Europe in the U.PP. Foreign Policy [w:] Beyond Borderpp. External Relations of the European Union, ed. J. Janczak, Poznań 2008, pp. 93-99.
  • Empire for Hire? Possibility of the U.PP. Withdrawal from International Politics [w:] U.PP. Foreign Policy. Theory, Mechanisms, Practice, red. A. Mania, P. Laidler, Ł. Wordliczek, Wydawnictwo UJ, Kraków 2007, pp. 441-449.

dr Marta Golonka

Dr Marta Golonka holds a Phd in International Political Economy from the London School of Economics, where she also obtained her MSc. Having travelled and lived abroad in various countries, she received her preliminary education and BA from the University of Texas in Austin, in Russian and East European Studies.

Dr Golonka specialises in the area of international economic relations. She has lectured at the LSE, Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She teaches courses related to international relations, finance, trade, development, comparative political economy and globalisation.

She has worked for the European Parliament and the European Commission in Brussels.

dr Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz

Position: Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies

Courses taught: Introduction to Modernity

Research interests: history of modern political and legal thought, political philosophy, theory of the state, philosophy of history, theories of modernity, political theology

Selected publications:


Nowoczesność, nihilizm, polityka. Wokół myśli Karla Löwitha, Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, Kęty 2014. 

The Problem of Political Theology, ed. by P. Armada, A. Górnisiewicz and K. Matuszek, Akademia Ignatianum-Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2012.

Modernity and What Has Been Lost. Considerations on the Legacy of Leo Strauss, ed. by  P. Armada and A. Górnisiewicz, Jagiellonian University Press, Kraków; St. Augustine’s Press, South Bend, Indiana 2011.


Existentialism as a Political Problem in Karl Löwith’s Thought, “History of European Ideas”, vol.42, no.7, 2016.

Nowożytne przemiany pojęcia wroga na tle przekształceń nomosu Ziemi. Z zagadnień ładu międzynarodowego w myśli Carla Schmitta, „Horyzonty Polityki”, vol. 6, nr 15, 2015.

Czy należy powstrzymywać koniec? Debata o teologii politycznej Carla Schmitta z udziałem Arkadiusza Górnisiewicz, Grzegorza Jankowicza i Andrzeja Serafina, „Przegląd Polityczny”, nr 129, 2015.

Starożytność na szczycie nowoczesności, [w:] Boska radość powtórzenia. Idea wiecznego powrotu, red. M. Proszak, A.Szklarska, A.Żymełka, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2014.

Karl Löwith i Erik Peterson. Kilka uwag o filiacji idei, „44/Czterdzieści i Cztery”, nr 7/2013.

Nominalizm, narodziny nowoczesności i problem jej legitymizacji w Die Legitimität der Neuzeit Hansa Blumenberga, [w:] Mit, metafora, sekularyzacja. Wprowadzenie do filozofii Hansa Blumenberga, red. R. Marszałek, Wydawnictwo Scholar, Warszawa 2013.

The Problem of the Closure of any Political Theology. Remarks on the Controversy between Erik Peterson and Carl Schmitt, [w:] The Problem of Political Theology, red.   P. Armada, A. Górnisiewicz, K. Matuszek, Wydawnictwo Ignatianum – WAM, Kraków 2012.

O platonizmie Nietzschego, [w:] B. Banasiak, P. Pieniążek (red.), Nietzsche a tradycja antyczna, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2012.

Karl Löwith i Leo Strauss. Rozmowa o nowoczesności, “Przegląd Polityczny”, nr 101, 2010.

Karl Löwith and Leo Strauss on Modernity, Secularization, and Nihilism, [w:] P. Armada, A. Górnisiewicz (red.), Modernity and What Has Been Lost. Considerations on the Legacy of Leo Strauss, JUP, Kraków – St. Augustine’s Press, South Bend 2010.

Zrozumieć nowoczesność. Wprowadzenie do myśli Karla Löwitha, „Kronos”, nr 2, 2010. profile:

prof. Paweł Laidler, Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies

Dean of the Faculty of International and Political Studies

Prof. dr hab. Paweł Laidler (PhD) – a lawyer and political scientist, associate professor of American studies at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He is mainly interested in the clash of law and politics in the United States, with a special focus on the status of American democracy and the role of judiciary. He currently conducts research on the problem of money in political electoral process, from the perspective of both federal and state governments.

He us the author of five books, on the political role of U.S. attorney general ("Prokurator Generalny USA: konflikt kompetencji", Jagiellonian University Press, 2004); "Basic Documents in U.S. Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers", JUP, 2005; the guide to U.S. constitution ("Konstytucja USA: przewodnik", JUP, 2007); "Basic Documents in U.S. Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties", JUP, 2009; and about political and legal aspects of functioning of the U.S. Supreme Court ("Sąd Najwyższy Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki: od prawa do polityki", JUP, 2011). He also wrote almost fifty articles on U.S. legal system, U.S. politics and social relations (both in Polish and English).

He teaches courses on U.S. legal system, comparative legal systems, U.S. criminal procedure, law and politics in the United States, public relations, international public law, as well as B.A. and M.A. seminars. He received several awards for didactics at the Jagiellonian University, including three Rector awards, and a Jagiellonian University Students' Prize for the highest grades in student questionnaire in the year 2013.

A grantee of Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (study visit in Catholic University of America, D.C., 2001), JFK Institute Library Grant (Berlin, 2011), and Science Environment Technology grant from the European Union (participation in Winter Scholl of Methods at University of Vienna, ECPR, 2014). Recently, he, and his cooperative, dr Maciej Turek, received a research grant from National Scientific Center for a project on current status of democracy from the perspective of the evolution of American campaign finance laws (NCN, 2014). Since 2014, he participated in more than 40 international and Polish academic conferences and seminars, additionally organizing or co-organizing five conferences at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora. He participated in four Erasmus Staff Teaching Mobility programs, visiting University of Leipzig, University of Rome, University of Catania and University of Florence.

Apart from scientific and didactic achievements, Pawel Laidler provides written and oral commentaries to the media on current political and legal topics, with a special focus on the United States of America.


prof. Zdzisław Mach

Professor in sociology and anthropology at the Jagiellonian University. Founder and head of the Institute for European Studies at the Jagiellonian University, and one of the main authors of the European Studies curriculum in Poland.

He has broad international teaching experience from Europe and America. Previous teaching and research appointments include Université Montpellier IIII Paul Valéry, University of Exeter, University College Dublin, University of Chicago, Oxford University, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, the American Council of Learned Societies, University of Edinburgh and St. John's College, Oxford.

His research interests cover identity issues such as nationalism, minorities and ethnicity, the development of European citizenship, migration and the reconstruction of identity, the ethnic origin of a nation and construction of identities as well as the development of the idea of Europe.

Selected Publications:

  • Symbols, Conflict and Identity. Essays in Political Anthropology. Albany: State University of New York Press 1993
  • Niechciane miasta. Migracja i tożsamość społeczna. Kraków: Universitas 1998
  • European Enlargement and Identity. Z. Mach and D. Niedźwiedzki (ed.), Kraków: Universitas 1997
  • Collective Identity and democracy. The Impact of EU Enlargement. Arena Report No 4/10, Oslo, 2010 (ed. with M. Góra)
  • Between old Fears and New Challenges. The Polish Debate on Europe[in:] K. Nicolaidis and J. Lacroix (eds.), European Stories. How National Intellectuals Debate Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with M. Góra)
  • Constructing identities in a post-communist society: ethnic, national, and European[in:] D. Bryceson, J. Okely, J. Webber (ed.) Identity and Networks. Oxford: Berghahn, 2007: 54-72
  • The Roman Catholic Church in Poland and the Dynamics of Social Identity in Polish Society [in:] L. Faltin and M. J. Wright (ed.)The Religious Roots of Contemporary European Identity, London and New York: Continuum 2007: 117-133
  • Multiculturalism – a Mosaic of Cultures and Dilemmas of Contemporariness[in:] A. Smolak and M. Ujma (ed.) Transkultura: sztuka a płynna rzeczywistość XXI wieku. Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Warszawa 2008: 52-62
  • Reconstituting democracy in Europe and constituting the European demos?(with M. Gora and H-J. Trenz), [in:] E. O. Eriksen and J. E. Fossum (eds.) Recon. Theory and Practice, Arena Report No 2/09, Oslo 2009: 273-305
  • Social Dimension of the Constitutional Treaty: European Identity and Citizenship [in:] Z. Maciąg (ed.) European Constitution and National Constitutions, Kraków: Kraków Society for Education, 2009: 235-238.

prof. Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves,  Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation

Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves, Associate Professor of Political Science and Political Philosophy at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation of the Faculty of International and Political Studies. Her main areas of research and teaching include political philosophy, democratic theory, democracy and civil society in Central and Eastern Europe, ethics of international relations, multiculturalism, soft power and political education. She is currently head of two international research projects: The Conditions of Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe Thirty Years After: A Comparative Perspective; and Recovering Europe's Parliamentary Culture, ca. 1500-1700: A New Comparative Approach to Political Assemblies. She has published widely in such journals as Politics, Acta Politica, Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, East European Politics and Societies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, and PS-Political Science and Politics. Her recent books include People Power: Civic Activism in Hard Times in Central and Eastern Europe (co-edited with Patrice McMahon and Paula Pickering, forthcoming in 2024), Polish Republican Discourse in the Sixteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Civil Society, Democracy and Democratization (Peter Lang, 2016).

ORCID ResearchGate


Assistant Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Transatlantic Relations,

Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Lecturer at Akademia Ignatianum in Krakow.


Dr Reeves was awarded a PhD in International History from the Department of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 2002.

Research and teaching interests:

International relations in the twentieth century, the contemporary European security system and transatlantic relations, and Polish foreign policy

Selected publications

‘The End of the Affair?' Poland, the United States and Continental Drift', Politeja vol. 15, no. 1 (2011)

‘Reopening the Wounds of History? The Foreign Policy of the "Fourth Polish" Republic', Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, vol. 26, no. (4) (2010)

‘Creaking at the Joints? Is the United States Suffering From Imperial Overstretch?' in Paweł Laidler (ed.), ‘US Foreign Policy: Theory, Mechanisms and Practice', Krakow 2009.

‘The International Dimension of the Northern Ireland Peace Process: The United States, the War on Terror, and the End of the Armed Struggle', Politeja, vol. 5 (2006) pp. 108-25

‘"The Politics of Restitution": The 1964-66 Labour government and Ireland', Diplomacy and Statecraft, vol. 15, no. 3 (2004) pp. 613-38

‘The penultimate Irish problem: Britain, Ireland, and the exhumation of Roger Casement', Irish Studies in International Affairs, vol. 12 (2001) pp. 151-78

‘"Let us stand by our friends": British policy towards Ireland, 1949-59', Irish Studies in International Affairs, vol. 11 (2000) pp. 85-102

Regular reviews for Political Studies Review and Millennium: Journal of International Relations.

Work in progress: Anglo-American relations in the context of German Ostpolitik, and the 1971 Berlin Four Power Treaty

Garry Robson was awarded a PhD (Sociology) by Goldsmiths College , University of London in 1998. Following this he taught and researched for four years in England ( Goldsmiths College, University of East London) before relocating to Poland in 2002. He has since teaching sociology and cultural studies in Polish universities, mostly in Krakow. He is currently Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, UJ, teaching MA courses on Globalisation, Cultural Studies, Research Methods, The Sociology of Sport and African-American Expressive Culture.

Research interests:

Research interests include Globalisation and Social/Cultural Change; Sociolinguistics( of English); Digital Culture and Surveillance in the Western Democacies; Popular Culture in Contemporary British and the USA; Sport, Social Class and the Body.


1997 Class, Criminality and Embodied Consciousness: Charlie Richardson and a South East London Habitus, Centre for Urban and Community Research Occasional Paper. London: Goldsmiths College.

2000 ‘Millwall Football Club: Masculinity, Race and Belonging', in Munt, S. (ed.) Cultural Studies and the Working Class: Subject to Change. London and New York: Cassell.

2000 ‘No One Likes Us, We Don't Care': The Myth and Reality of Millwall Fandom. Oxford: Berg.

2001 ‘The Lion Roars: Myth, Identity and Millwall Fandom', in Armstrong, G. and Giulianotti, R. (eds) Fear and Loathing in World Football. Oxford: Berg.

2001 [with T. Butler] ‘Coming to Terms with London: Middle Class Communities in a Global City', in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 25, No. 1.

2001 [with T. Butler] ‘Social Capital, Gentrification and Neighbourhood Change in London: A Comparison of Three South London Neighbourhoods', in Urban Studies, Vol. 38, No. 12.

2001 Annual Process Report of Pepys Community Forum. London: CUCR, Goldsmiths College (ISBN No. 0 902 986 000 3).

2003 [with T. Butler] ‘Plotting the Middle Classes in London: Gentrification and Circuits of Education', in Housing Studies, Vol. 18, No.1

2003 [with T. Butler] London Calling: The Middle Classes and the Re-making of Inner London. Oxford: Berg.

2008 ‘Social Change and the Challenge to RP: Approaching the British Cultural Revolution through Accents and Dialects', in Gay, I.R., Guijarro, A. and Hernandez, J. (eds) New Trends in English Teacher Education: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, Cuenca: University of Castilla-La Mancha

2010 ‘Whatever Happened to the British Stiff Upper Lip? The Cultural Revolution, the "Broken Britain" Debate and the Evaporation of Respectable Society', in Misztal, M. and Trawinski, M. (eds) Current Issues in English Studies, Krakow: Pedagogical University of Krakow Press.

2011 ‘Language, the Riots and Britain's Globalized Underclass', YaleGlobal Online Magazine,

2012 (In press) ‘Fear, Fragmentation and Vulnerability in Contemporary Britain', in Kalaga, W. (ed.) Civilisation and Fear: Writing and the Subjects of Ideology, Cambridge UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2012 (In press) ‘Britain in Transition: Diversity, Therapy Culture and the Legacy of New Labour', in Banas, M. (ed.) Global Transformations: Culture, Politics, Economy, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press

2012 (In press) ‘Cosmopolitanism and "Multiculturalism from Below" in Contemporary Britain', in Telgedi, A. (ed.) Cosmopolitanism in a Cosmopolitan Sense, New Europe College: Bucharest

Current project:

The cultural transformation of the United Kingdom and its realtions with the USA and EU since 1997.

dr Michał Rzepecki

Dr Michał Rzepecki is a coordinator of the BA International Relations and Area Studies. A graduate of Political Science, Russian Studies and American Studies (PhD) at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Professor of Trans-Atlantic Studies at the Jagiellonian University.

Teaches: History of USA, Canada and Latin America

He specializes on Cold War history and America's evolving global role in the early 21st century. He came to Poland on a Fulbright Scholarship in 2000. He has subsequently received generous support from the Kosciuszko Foundation and the George Kennan Center/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. In 2003 his work on Zbigniew Brzeziński was awarded by the Polish Institute for Arts and Sciences and the Polish Embassy in Washington DC as the top PhD regarding Poland. In 2011 his strategic biography of Zbigniew Brzeziński was nominated for Nagroda Historyczna im. Kazimierza Moczarskiego as one of the superior works in Polish contemporary history. He also teaches classes on Soviet/East European literature, the role of petroleum in the geopolitical contest in Eurasia, and Science Fiction as political and social metaphor.

prof. Małgorzata Zachara-Szymańska


  • Associate Professor at the Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  • Former director of the M.A. in Transatlantic Studies

Research interests: Global governance, leadership, diplomacy, peace and development studies, international arms trade, knowledge management

Fellowships, grants and appointments:

  • Can institutions save the world? Italian Government Grant for Foreign Scholars. University of Cagliari, 04-09 2019.
  • Poland in the Transatlantic Relations – Tools, Perspectives and Role of Poland in Shaping Transatlantic Debate. National Center of Science grant, SONATA, 2012-2016.
  • Negotiating Cultural Differences in the Digital Communication Era, National Center of Science grant, HARMONIA, 2012-2014.
  • Visiting researcher at the ZSI Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria, 05. 2016.
  • Visiting researcher at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 10. 2015.
  • Visiting researcher at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, 12.2014.
  • Visiting Researcher in The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and World Trade Organization, 05-06 2012.
  • Between Atlanticism and Eurocentrism: Politics and Identity in the New Europe - project presented at The Transcultural Atlantic, International Workshop, University Wisconson Madison, research conducted at the University Wisconsin-Madison USA, 06. 2010.
  •  “Knowledge and Practice” European Social Fund Program (Operational programme: Human Capital) aimed at integrating academic knowledge and business practices. Project included research within the areas of market communication, marketing, developing and adapting the tools of the business strategic analysis and management. Outcomes of the research have been applied in the Grupa Partner enterprise (2010)
  • “Knowledge, Practice, Human Resources” European Social Fund Program (Operational programme: Human Capital) aimed at integrating academic knowledge and business practices. Project consisted research concerning network cooperation, interactions and communication in clusters, international communication, market communication.  Outcomes of the research have been  applied in the KPB Cracovia enteprise (2011-2012)
  • “Knowledge, Practice, Cooperation” European Social Fund Program (Operational programme: Human Capital) aimed at integrating academic knowledge and business practices. Project consisted research concerning cyberspace communication, virtual identities, consumers needs. Outcomes of the research have been  applied in the  Get Smarter start up (2014-2015)

Courses taught:

  • Global Discourse
  • Globalization and Global Governance
  • Diploma Thesis Seminar

Selected publications:


  1. Patterns of Influence in the International Relations. Centre of Gravity Analysis in Global Decision Making, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 348. PL
  2. 2012, Global Governance. The International Order after the end of the American Century), Kraków: Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 289.
  3. 2010, Arms and Diplomacy. Export of Armaments in the US Foreign Policy, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press , pp. 262.
  4. 2017, Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 367
  5. 2014, Digital Diversities: Social Media and Intercultural Experience, eds. Garry Robson, Małgorzata Zachara, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 330.

Selected articles:

  1. 2020, To Grow or not to Grow: Evolution of the Economic Paradigm as a Response to Climate Disruption In: Discourses on Sustainability: Climate Change, Clean Energy, and Justice, Kurochkin, D., Crawford, M., Shabliy E. V. (eds), Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
  2. 2020, The Millennial generation in the context of political power: A leadership gap?, Leadership 2(16), pp. 241-258.
  3. 2019, Can Institutions Save the World? Neoliberal Institutionalist Perspectiveon Global Governance,  Stosunki Międzynarodowe/International Relations, 55(1),  pp. 41-58.
  4. 2017, The Transatlantic Globalisation Dilemma: How to Retain Power, While Contesting the Principles?, Stosunki Międzynarodowe/International Relations, 53(1), pp. 185-201
  5. 2017, The Concept of Sovereignty in Transatlantic Relations: New Realities versus Old Debate, Politeja,  1(46), pp. 283-305
  6. 2017, Techno Transatlantic. Science and technology in relations between the United States and Europe, Ad Americam. Journal of American Studies, 18, pp. 89-106.
  7. 2017, Setting the Scene. Transatlantic Relations in Transition [w:] Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 9-35.
  8. 2017, Between Atlanticism and Eurocentrism: Polish-American Relations since 1989  [in] Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 176-203.
  9. 2016, Strategic synergy. China's New Maritime Orientation in White Paper in the Military Strategy of 2015 [together with Marcin Szymański in:] Asia-Pacific Region 1985-2015: An Example of Continuity and Change in Regional System, Scholar, pp. 95-112.
  10. 2014, The Second Amendment Dilemma –  Social and Political Divisions over Gun Control in the United States [in:] The United States as a Divided Nation – Past and Present, eds. Marcin Grabowski, Kryštof Kozák and György Tóth,  Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 133-149.
  11. 2013, Corporations in the Net of Global Influences – Cooperation Potential and Strategies in International Relations [in: ] Levels of Analysis in International Relations, eds. Edward Haliżak, Marek Pietraś, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Rambler,t. II., pp. 241-258.
  12. 2013, International Trade in Armaments as a Destabilizing Factor in Dysfunctional Countries [in:] Państwa dysfunkcyjne i ich destabilizujący wpływ na stosunki międzynarodowe [Dysfunctional Countries and its Destabilizing Impact on International Relations], ed. Robert Kłosowicz, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 195-225.
  13. 2011, Religion in the Global Village [in:] Religion in International Relations, eds. Anna M. Solarz, Hanna Schreiber, Warsaw: Warsaw University Press, pp. 77-91.

Book chapters:

2018, Poland in United Nations' Peace Operations after  1989. [together with Artur Gruszczak in:] Poland in International Institutions 1918-2018., Warsaw: National Center of Culture Press.

2017, Setting the Scene. Transatlantic Relations in Transition [w:] Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 9-35. 

2017, Between Atlanticism and Eurocentrism: Polish-American Relations since 1989  [w:] Poland in Transatlantic Relations after 1989. Miracle Fair, ed. Małgorzata Zachara, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 176-203.

2016, Strategic synergy. China's New Maritime Orientation in White Paper in the Military Strategy of 2015 [together with Marcin Szymański in:] Asia-Pacific Region 1985-2015: An Example of Continuity and Change in Regional System, Scholar, pp. 95-112.

2014, The Second Amendment Dilemma –  Social and Political Divisions over Gun Control in the United States [in:] The United States as a Divided Nation – Past and Present, eds. Marcin Grabowski, Kryštof Kozák and György Tóth,  Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 133-149.

2013, Corporations in the Net of Global Influences – Cooperation Potential and Strategies in International Relations [in: ] Levels of Analysis in International Relations, eds. Edward Haliżak, Marek Pietraś, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Rambler,t. II., pp. 241-258.

2013, International Trade in Armaments as a Destabilizing Factor in Dysfunctional Countries [in:] Państwa dysfunkcyjne i ich destabilizujący wpływ na stosunki międzynarodowe [Dysfunctional Countries and its Destabilizing Impact on International Relations], ed. Robert Kłosowicz, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 195-225.

2011, Religion in the Global Village [in:] Religion in International Relations, eds. Anna M. Solarz, Hanna Schreiber, Warsaw: Warsaw University Press,pp. 77-91.

2009, Geopolitics of Frontiers. American Security Dillemas in the XXI Century [in:] Amerykomania. A Commemorative Book in Honor of the Professor Andrzej Mania, eds. Bogdan Szlachta, Włodzimierz Bernacki, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 247-274.

2009, American Strategy toward Global Governance. New Leadership or Crisis of Identity?, [in:] The United States and the World: from Imitation to Challenge, eds. Andrzej Mania, Łukasz Wordliczek, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, pp. 209-223.

2007, Wojna sprywatyzowana - rola PMC (Private Military Companies) podczas operacji "Iracka Wolność" oraz w procesie rekonstrukcji Iraku, [in:] Irak. Dylematy Amerykańskiej Interwencji, ed. Witold Dzielski, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, pp. 179-195.

2005, The Current Structure of the EU Arms Market: Conventional Arms Export Control Policy in Visegrad States, [in:] Security Under Global Pressure, eds. István Tarrosy, Europe Centre PBC, pp. 127-133.

Encyclopedia entries:

  1. 2012, Global Arms Trafficking [in:]  Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Preager, ABC-CLIO.
  2. 2012, International Media: A Critical Tool in the Battle against Terrorism [in:] Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Preager, ABC-CLIO.
  3. 2012, Beslan Massacre (2004) [in:] Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Preager, ABC-CLIO.
  4. 2012, Moscow Metro Attacks (2004 & 2010) [in:] Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Preager, ABC-CLIO.
  5. 2012, Nord-Ost siege (2002) [in:] Counterterrorism: From the Cold War to the War on Terror, ed. Frank Shanty, Preager, ABC-CLIO.
  6. 2011, Illegal Trade, Arms [in:] Encyclopedia of Global Studies, Mark Juergensmeyer, ed. Helmut Anheier, SAGE Publications, pp. 864-867.
  7. 2011, Drone Attacks [in:] Encyclopedia of World Terrorism, eds. Frank Shanty, James Ciment, M.E. Sharpe, pp. 754-757.